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Bingo Fuel

“If you come to a fork in the road… take it!” Baseball legend Yogi Berra was famous for such head-scratching observations. What most people don’t realize, though, is that the former Yankees star often wasn’t the first...

only meatball in the rice

only meatball in the rice  n.— «So many Jew fro’s at the party that for once, it was hard to spot Alex in the crowd….except that he’s usually the only “meatball in the rice.”» —“Gawker / Lifehacker...

only meatball in the rice

only meatball in the rice  n.— «I was the only meatball in the rice tonight.…I was on my high school staff and as my best friend in the program put it—”It’s only Six of us Meatballs in the Rice” Meatballs being the black...

only meatball in the rice

only meatball in the rice  n.— «While I was down in Louisiana, I was a GM working at this multi-billion dollar business. While I was there, I was always the only meatball in the rice. So I guess that meant i was the ambassador for all...