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A wonderclout is something that appears amazing but is actually quite useless. An old meaning of clout is “rag.” This is part of a complete episode.


To be forswunk means to be totally worn out from overwork. It’s from forswink, meaning to exhaust by labor. This is part of a complete episode.

Set of Twins

If you tell someone you have a set of twins, does that mean you have two kids or four kids? It depends on the meaning of the word set. This is part of a complete episode.

Diamond in the Rough

What’s the meaning of the phrase diamond in the rough? Does it refer to a rose among thorns, to unrealized potential? The phrase derives from the diamond industry, where a diamond in the rough is one taken from the ground but still unpolished...

Defugalty vs. Difficulty

If you’re having difficulty parsing the meaning of the word defugalty, or difugalty, the joke’s on you. It’s just a goofy play on difficulty, one that’s popular with grandparents. This is part of a complete episode.

Culture of Proverbs

Are we a proverb culture anymore? In a largely urban society, we’re not likely to immediately recognize the meaning of the saying between hay and grass, meaning “weak” or “feeble.” This is part of a complete episode.