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Episode 1386

Thrown For A Loop

We all lead busy lives—so are speed reading courses a good idea? Plus, if you hear someone speaking with a British accent, do you tend to assume they’re somehow more intelligent? And some common English surnames tell us stories about life in...

Books for Math Lovers

For the math lovers out there: Listeners on our Facebook page recommend Fermat’s Enigma by Simon Singh, and In Pursuit of The Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed The World by Ian Stewart. This is part of a complete episode.


jamiton  n.— «We’ve all been there—stuck in traffic, inching along, running late and getting angry when suddenly everyone starts moving. Just like that, the road clears. No flashing lights, no mangled cars, no clue to suggest what went...


spiraling  n.— «Also, instead of spending weeks on a particular math lesson, students are introduced to the concepts for a few days and revisit them later. This technique, called “spiraling,” is designed to help students build...

Beddian year

Beddian year  n.— «Shearer chatted with another firefighter, Bobby Beddia. Shearer said recently, “He mentioned that he was very lucky, because he was fifty-three, so this year he got to experience living in his ’birth year...

exit exam

exit exam  n.— «Congress has enacted a federal school reform law known as No Child Left Behind that requires every state to test students in grades three-through-eight in math and English/language arts as a way of measuring national...