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nurdle n. a grain, pellet, granule, or other small piece of a material, especially as part of a large quantity (such as foam kernels used as packing material); (in pronunciation-based spellings) a nodule; a quantity of a gel or semi-solid; a thing...

tot pack

tot pack  n.— «The government has allowed the continued packing of alcohol in small polythene bags commonly known as “tot packs” which are used by every alcohol producing company as a packaging material.» —“Govt Sleeping...

mermaid’s tear

mermaid’s tear  n.— «Instead of plankton, it was choked with a colorful array of tiny plastic fragments.…The jars were filled with plastic pellets the size and shape of pills. They come in all colors and are the raw material for a...


nurdle  n.— «Instead of plankton, it was choked with a colorful array of tiny plastic fragments.…The jars were filled with plastic pellets the size and shape of pills. They come in all colors and are the raw material for a vast array...

tot lot

tot lot  n.— «Money is scarce and small youngsters are plentiful. By using ingenuity instead of cash, the people at Herlong set up what they call a Tot Lot. It is a playground designed and built almost entirely from scrap material...

blue canary

blue canary  n.— «The report says the department does not outfit all its vehicles with gas detectors or binoculars, which would enable rescue workers to identify a hazardous material by a placard from a safe distance. Instead, some rescue...