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Narita divorce

Narita divorce  n.— «So familiar is the very short marriage in Japan that the parting has earned a slang name: Narita divorce, after Japan’s main international airport.» —“Till baggage carousel do us part” by Deborah...

returning the butter

returning the butter  n.— «For a man to marry, he had to have land to grow bananas. Even the gifts he took to the bride’s parents had to include matooke. After the marriage, when the bride did what came to be called ‘returning the butter’...

throw red meat

throw red meat  v.— «The gay-marriage issue could create a minor sideshow to Kerry’s formal nomination and keep the conservative Republican base energized during a time when the national political spotlight will be on Kerry, not Bush...


adultescence  n.— «Marriage once was the gateway to adulthood. It is now the last stop in what has come to be called “adultescence.”» —“Marriage stall puts children in free fall” by Susan Reimer Orlando...


OSO  n.— «“Polyamory is never having to say you’ve broken up,’’ said Sally Amsbury of Oakland, whose sex and love life openly includes her husband and two “other significant others,” known in polyamory parlance as “OSOs...