infartillery n.— «The Evans Group (a.k.a. “Infartillery”) consisted of and 11th Marines detachment and and detachments of the 3d 15mm Howitzer and 8th 155mm Gun battalions. Both groups were reinforced with engineer, amtrac...
hog n.— «On a recent patrol, Marines loaded their amtracs, or “hogs” as they affectionately call them, and churned off into the inky-black moonless night.» —“‘Gators’ prowl highways near Fallujah” by Mark...
holy helo n.— «Carrier battle groups at sea set aside a helicopter—fondly known as the “holy helo”—to fly chaplains of different faiths from ship to ship in order to celebrate services with sailors and Marines while at sea...
pigeon flipping n.— «Lately, troops say, insurgents have begun using a technique called pigeon flipping: while on patrol, the Marines have noticed flocks of pigeons circling above them, leading them to conclude that supporters of the...
snatch and grab n.— «The Marines had been planning a night raid, a “snatch and grab” as they call it.» —“Iraqis vote; Bowling remembered” by David Benzion Lone StarTimes Dec. 15, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued...
jundi n.— «The Iraqi soldiers—known to the Marines as jundis, an Arabic term for low-level soldier—may be ready for independent patrol.» —“Iraqi soldiers making strides in training” by Andrew Tilghman Stars and...