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turkey peek

turkey peek  n.— «In an effort to find his Marines, Taube said he risked injury by taking a “turkey peek” over his gravel pile to see if he could locate Robinett.» —“Wounded Marine awarded Purple Heart, accomplishes...


TQ  n.— «Russell and the II MEF Marines stopped over at Camp Victory in Kuwait, before heading to Camp Taqqadum, or TQ as it is called.» —“MCB Hawaii safety specialist takes the safety battle to the front” by Steve...


Phrog  n.— «With protruding side wheels and a nose-up attitude on the ground, the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter has the appearance of a frog ready to hop—some would say it certainly does, especially when moving forward on the deck. Since the...

Irish pennant

Irish pennant  n.— «The term “Irish pennant” derives from the Royal Navy during the time of sailing ships. It was a loose or untidy end of a line. In Navy and Marine Corps parlance today, an Irish pennant is a loose thread on a...


track  n.— «The Marines had no problem taking the enemy head on, but the much-talked about intelligence regarding booby-trapped buildings kept the conversation going inside the “tracks,” or amphibious assault vehicles...

bag drag

bag drag  n.— «As the son of an international airline captain and a pilot in the Marine Corps for 22 years, I have spent a lot of time in the back—and front—of aircraft.…On a recent ski trip to Utah, I did not enjoy doing the...