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whale  n.— «We jumped off the lift and found a trail with great big whales of snow—20 feet high—of course we did jump turns off them…. Back to the six pack, back to the whales.» —“Nhara J3 State Series Slalom At Ragged Mt...


tinterweb  n.— «So am gunna go ome n look at more houses on tinterweb for next year.» —“these bloody storms” by xxdalestarxx (Sarah Daley) Shit Happens…Deal With It (Manchester, United Kingdom) Jan. 11...

rubbing racing

rubbing racing  n.— «The last corner, he said, featured “a lot of throwing elbows” in the crowded field. “Rubbing racing as they say in car racing,” said Cody.» —“Short course at White Park draws hundreds of...


monging  n.— «Private sunday sessions or monging out down at the pub, sometimes sitting round getting stoned with a free-for-all on my decks.» —“Re: UMR.Manchester…“ by Simon O’Connor Usenet: uk.music.rave May 22...


Wayne  n.— «Then down to Manchester so Jack can look at how they are cracking down on neds—or Waynes as they’re called down there.» —“Hola to Mike…and adios to McLetchie” by Mungo...

half-past six

half-past six  adj.— «More Malaysian soccer fans support any number of foreign teams, even a half-past six side like Manchester United, rather than a local team.» —“Duh…We have a national team again—Honest.” Malay...