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bomber bottle

bomber bottle  n.— «Yeti makes a potent nightcap, measuring 9.5 percent alcohol by volume (almost twice the 5 percent of mainstream American beers). It’s available in 22-ounce containers that beer aficionados fondly call “bomber” bottles...


indiewood  n.— «Seeking features, shorts, documentaries, experimental films and animation that defy and transcend the “indiewood” mainstream.» —“The 7Th Annual Chicago Underground Film Festival” Usener: bit...


backpacker  n.— «I have no problem at all with mainstream HipHop. No wait, let me rephrase this, I have no problem with dope mainstream HipHop.…Ofcourse, I can’t speak for everyone on this newsgroup, or for every...


worthmore  adj.— «He said there is “far greater” opportunity in the developing world as consumers trade up from lower quality, cheap beer, into modernised mainstream products and then on into what it refers to as...


cantometrics  n.— «Coining the term “cantometrics,” which he defined as meaning “song as a measure of society,” Lomax and his assistances analyzed music from Pygmy recordings to mainstream American pop through thirty-six parameters...

press corpse

press corpse  n.— «The rest of the White House “press corpse” sits back while Scott McClellan is allowed to stonewall with his favorite new phrase, “There is a serious investigation going on so we can’t comment further...