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aspy  n.— «Aspies, as people with the condition like to call themselves, often have normal or above-average intelligence, but they have trouble making friends and lack the intuitive ability to gauge social situations.…By definition...

skittles room

skittles room  n.—Gloss: at the venue of a chess tournament, an area or room where players can play informally, either for fun or to hustle each other for money. Note: A commenter remarks that he’s known this term for 40 years, which...

poop butt

poop butt  n.— «The most severe threat to any adolescent drug user is the “snitch,” or the “loud mouth poop butt.” Anyone perceived as a potential informer will be isolated from the mainstream of adolescent drug use...

bucket baby

bucket baby  n.— «We live in “Mainstream America” NJ, the “bucket baby” capital of the world, :LOL. My OB is NOT supportive of my nursing while pg.» —“Progesterone Supplements?” by...

gay sprawl

gay sprawl  n.— «Gay papers face other challenges that are largely unique, such as contending with what some people call gay sprawl. With the increasing acceptance of gays and lesbians into mainstream American culture, a growing number of...

dinner bottle

dinner bottle  n.— «Yeti makes a potent nightcap, measuring 9.5 percent alcohol by volume (almost twice the 5 percent of mainstream American beers). It’s available in 22-ounce containers that beer aficionados fondly call “bomber” bottles...