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See a Man About a Horse, Again

Salut, superfriends! It's another newsletter from A Way with Words. This week's episode was a re-run, one that we particularly liked because it has the famed "dinner vs. supper" call, which is still generating buckets of mail...


mail-boxing  n.β€” Β«Mail theft occurs so frequently that criminals have even coined a new verb: “mail-boxing.”Β» β€”β€œMail fraud raises a red flag” The Acorn (Agoura Hills, California) Apr. 17, 2008...

suspense list

suspense list  n.β€” Β«Texas has over 12.6 million voters as of January 2008. 1.8 million of that total are on what is known as a “suspense list.” The suspense list is generated when registrars mail out a certificate every two...

Bismark Doughnuts

Martha and Grant revisit a listener term for a particular doughnut, known as a “Bismark,” and share other listener mail about the “Bismarks” where they reside. This is part of a complete episode.

Gonna Snatch You Bald-Headed

Salutations and welcome! If you missed the last weekend's thrilling episode of A Way with Words, you missed car chases, gunfights, and your co-hosts leaping from high-speed trains! Alas, no. But there was a lot of chatter about the Ig...

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