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magic box

magic box
 n.— «Chef jargon—”Magic box”—microwave it.» —“jargon and newspeak” by Holly ABC Electric Journal Nov. 3, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

make it rain

make it rain  v. phr.— «Frequenting strip clubs in Atlanta, such as Magic City, the Blue Flame, Body Tap and the now-defunct Gentleman’s Club, has become almost a religion, making adult entertainment one of the most profitable businesses...

Orlando Tragic

Orlando Tragic  n.— «Don’t get too excited. Pretty much everyone looks good against the Orlando Tragic.» —“Lakers’ well-rounded attack drops Magic” by theophilus166  Sporting News Dec. 24, 2005. (source: Double...


snipe-o-thetical  n.— «Snipe-O-Thetical, n, adj—Maintaining the belief that a plausible (yet unconfirmed) hypothesis is true, whether it is or not, in the interest of personal amusement.» —“snipe-o-theticals” by El...


biodynamics  n.— «Biodynamics, its advocates assert, maximizes the personality of a given plot of earth. Like a homeopathic doctor, a biodynamic farmer analyzes the land and determines what is out of balance. The aim is to turn the land...