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bird’s nest on the ground

bird’s nest on the ground  n.— «He deeply resented the suggestion that the White House was his for the taking—a bird’s nest on the ground, as they say in Texas. But with his family’s name and fundraising machine, and a shrewd strategist...


chop-chop  adj.— «Their monkey business was recently uncovered, they have been caught red handed dipping their dirty fingers in the cookie jar like the P1.3 million auto-clave scam. The machine used to sterilize hospital tools failed to...

brawler van

brawler van  n.— «The brawler van will be used to transport people charged with public order offences back to the police station. It comes with all the bells and whistles police need, including an inbuilt camera to record activity around...

cut the turf

cut the turf  v. phr.— «Some of our targeted homeowners are suspicious. Some refuse to come to the door. Others hide behind twitched curtains until we leave. We are like political Jehovah’s Witnesses, but we are unrepentant. And, were we...


quench  n.— «During a power test, the very last before collisions could start in the machine (to the annoyance of engineers), a fault led to a warming of the busbar. As superconductivity was lost, the temperature soared in a “quench...


sleepover  n.— «Ohio’s elections chief is reconsidering a plan to prohibit poll workers from taking voting machines home for safekeeping in the days before the November presidential election. Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner announced...