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fright puppet

fright puppet  n.— «To drive almost anywhere here this week is to run a gantlet of advertising for movies about killing.…A fright puppet from Universal’s “Dead Silence” peers menacingly from a construction-site wall by a children’s...


sexpensive  adj.— «That’s the kind of thing you’re likely to see on Wednesday when his namesake line makes its runway debut. Audigier has come up with just the right name for it: “sexpensive.” “Bling-bling and...

plant the flag

plant the flag  v. phr.— «With an average of nearly 12 movies opening every week, claiming prime big-screen real estate as far in advance as possible is crucial.…“We had to ask ourselves whether it made sense to open against another...

Marxist glue

Marxist glue  n.— «For cops, wheat-pasting is another word for vandalism, but, more tellingly, wheat paste is also referred to as “Marxist glue,” thanks to its subversive history and proletariat-friendly ingredients (namely, flour plus...


enta  n.— «They’re not prisoners, they’re “detainees.” It sounds better, as if they’re merely inconvenienced rather than shoehorned into cinderblock cells, thumbing their military-issued Korans and waiting to be interrogated...


cold-iron  v.— «However, said Chavdarian, if the ocean-going ships that now call at the port are required to “cold iron,” that is, completely shut down all boilers while in port and rely on shore-side electric power for lights...