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wet wings

wet wings  n.pl.— «It holds the fuel in its wings, referred to as wet wings, and underneath its belly.» —“Gas pump in the sky” by Thomas A. Sloan in Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska Air Force Link June 14, 2004...


MEST  n.— «He appealed to fellow Scientologists for donated books and other items to help him set up a new Narconon office. In Scientology’s dialect, such physical items are known as MEST, which stands for “matter, energy, space...


supersize  v.— «He has not exactly burned up the track with new hits. Instead he got by with a rope-a-dope act, finding stopgap shows like “Weakest Link” and squeezing out ratings with tactics like stretching the running time...


C4ISR  n.— «C4ISR stands for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems needed for effective battle.» —“Information Laboratory Would Link C4 Efforts US defense officials want to...