good bank/bad bank n.— «American International Group (AIG): NY Posts reports that AIG is considering forming a separate company to hold billions in securities that have dogged its balance sheet for the past several quarters. According to...
waz adj.— «The team name Wazwagamafs comes from waz (Marine lingo for fantastic) and “wagamafs, (wives and girlfriends and mums and families/friends).» —“Women’s muddy hell to help brave troops” by Caroline...
fly signs v. phr.— «He said he’s been arrested several times for “flying signs,” street lingo for panhandling on a street corner, and for theft of food and hygiene items at a Roth’s store.» —“Street kids and authority...
run one’s pockets v. phr.— «The man asked Cooper for a cigarette, and when Cooper said no, the man told him to “run your pockets,” which is street lingo for “give me your money.” Cooper grabbed the gun, pushed the man to the ground and...
We play bingo on the air with Quiz Guy John Chaneski. His motives are not B9! This is part of a complete episode.
hold the check v. phr.— «At yesterday’s hearing, Rep. Delmar Burridge said he hopes a law change will give incentive for low-level members who don’t “hold the check” or “hold the cap”—street lingo he heard in his...