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Episode 1470

Coast is Clear

In the military, if you’ve lost the bubble, then you can’t find your bearings. The term first referred to calibrating the position of aircraft and submarines. • The phrase the coast is clear may originate in watching for invaders...

A Lemon is Defective

If the car you bought is a lemon, it’s defective. This negative use of lemon derives from the tart taste of this fruit, which first inspired an association with a sourpuss, then a generally disappointing person, and then finally a similarly...


mocktini  n.— «Serve the best with this smooth mocktini. It’s always in good taste.…Half-fill martini glass with tonic water, then top off with lemon-lime seltzer. Add lemon twist.» —by Frank Thomas, Karen Lancaster...

puppy lemon law

puppy lemon law  n.— «A Berks County kennel is in danger of being shut down after accusations of deceiving consumers and selling sick dogs.…The accusations from the Attorney General’s office stem from the protection buyers get with...