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Lackabookaphobia? (minicast)

Some people wouldn’t be caught without the season’s latest fashions, and others never leave home without their asthma inhaler. But for some of us, what strikes fear into our hearts is the thought of being caught without a book. Jeanie in...

bathtub effect

bathtub effect  n.— «Of particular urgency to Conrad and Michel is how best to address the scheduled downsizing of the bases’ personnel and mission before the Predator and Global Hawk UAVs are scheduled to arrive in 2009. The “bathtub”...


deguttling  n.— «Video footage (which, for those in offices, could probably be viewed on a site called something like Shouldn’t-you-be-getting-on-with-your-work?dotcom) reveals Tevez rubbing the back of his neck as Terry walks away...

cash for keys

cash for keys  n.— «Contractors say the damage at vacant homes can be significant, though it is not always clear who the culprit is. It could be an angry homeowner upset about losing a home, but it also could be vandals and thieves...

Coinkydinks and Big Boxes

Welcome to another newsletter from A Way with Words! This newsletter was originally supposed to go out on Monday, May 12th, but our service provider had a snafu and the messages disappeared into the ether. There are a lot of creatures on planets...