A woman says that when playing hide-and-seek with a small child, her mother-in-law says “peep-eye!” instead of “peekaboo!” Is that usage limited to certain parts of the country? And where do they say “pee-bo!”...
Which is correct: mothers-in-law or mother-in-laws? This is part of a complete episode.
A law student wonders about the origin of the word widget. This is part of a complete episode.
A Texas family has a dispute with a prospective in-law who happens to be a chef. Is their favorite spicy chocolate cake properly known as a sheath cake or a sheet cake? This is part of a complete episode.
synch license n.— «Barring an exception under copyright law, the use of a sound recording and/or composition in a film requires a license from the owner (or owners) of the copyrights. Thus, for example, for the film Donnie Darko to...
dualing n.— «Vermont’s proposed new law makes several major changes to the state’s franchise laws to allow the dealers more bargaining power. Miller said the manufacturers now can require dealers to build a separate facility if they want...