neckout n.— «Bottleneck roads are prime candidates for road rage. I have no idea who designed roads that lose lanes, but they had better go back to the drawing board. Traffic neckouts, as they’re called, will not improve our road...
Florida T n.— «The second alternative is a configuration known as a “Florida T.” A “Florida T” would channel traffic so that northbound through traffic on Capitol Trail would move continuously and would not be controlled by a traffic...
lane-splitting n.— «When we moved here to California, I was surprised to see that this state apparently allows motorcycle drivers to engage in a practice called “lane-splitting.” This is the practice where a motorcycle can jam...
Spaghetti Bowl n.— «From the strip, take [15] North to the [93/95] North (to “Mercury”) through the Spaghetti Bowl (just look for all those annoying Fitzgerald’s billboards), stay in the right lane and exit Rancho, turn Right...
sharrow n.— «General support for employing alternative techniques to improve bikeways where bike lanes are not feasible, such as use of shared lane arrow (“sharrow”) instead of bike route signs for many streets and roads to provide...
sharrow n.— « Providing room for bicyclists to share on the road is always preferable to merely indicating that bicyclists may share a narrow lane. In Oakland, an appropriate application of a sharrow (shared lane arrow) exists on a one...