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relamp  v.— «Fluorescents should be changed all at once, a technique called group relamping, to reduce labor cost by 30-50%.» —“Top Ten Things Furniture Retailers Need To Know About Lighting – Online...


spiking  n.— «The proposed firefighter contract also would have ended a practice known as spiking, where firefighters can inflate their pension payouts. The contract was designed to limit how much overtime and compensatory time pay could...


blue-out  n.— «Nearly 40 percent of district teachers—3,500 employees—called in sick one day in September, prompting the early closure of six high schools and effectively crippling the district for the day. No organized action of that size...


complication  n.— «Yes, knobs. Otherwise known as complications, they control everything from a stopwatch accurate to a zillionth of a second, to displaying the phases of the moon, your altitude, and the efficacy of your golf swing. It is...

stall ball

stall ball  n.— «He also should tone down rhetoric on gambling, labor initiatives and social issues so as not to offend. With a big lead, it’s best to be somewhat bland, the experts said. In essence, he needs to concentrate on not making...


skulling  n.—Gloss: Wiktionary defines this as “the act of aging a young bird by measuring the degree of ossification of its skull.” «The age of the birds can be determined by examining the feathers (color and shape), eye...