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Gareth Gates

Gareth Gates  n.— «That Elton John and Kiki Dee could have come about as a result of a Gareth Gates (an innocent mistake) or a blurter (a bad judgment call).» —“Revealed: how to chat up a senior clerk” by Nina...


blurter  n.— «That Elton John and Kiki Dee could have come about as a result of a Gareth Gates (an innocent mistake) or a blurter (a bad judgment call).» —“Revealed: how to chat up a senior clerk” by Nina...


macing  n.— «Former Allegheny County Sheriff Pete DeFazio was following a western Pennsylvania political tradition when he coerced employees to contribute to his campaigns.…After all, this was the way they always did it around here:...

hell house

hell house  n.— «This Halloween season, Mark Bradford and his wife, Anna, want to scare the hell out of people.…Instead of just reaching their gloved hands in the direction of the patron’s bodies, the characters will also be...

judgment house

judgment house  n.— «This Halloween season, Mark Bradford and his wife, Anna, want to scare the hell out of people.…Instead of just reaching their gloved hands in the direction of the patron’s bodies, the characters will also...

Red-Letter Christian

Red-Letter Christian  n.— «Because being evangelical is usually synonymous with being Republican in the popular mind, and calling ourselves “progressive” might be taken as a value judgment by those who do share our views, we decided not to...