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stimovation  n.—Gloss: Innovation plus economic stimulus, two ways that together could improve the economy. «While creating jobs by upgrading the nation’s physical infrastructure may help in the short term, Mr. Atkinson says, “there’s...

trailing spouse

trailing spouse  n.— «In the past, companies primarily found jobs for wives of transferred employes. But now that too is changing. As women reach higher positions in corporations, more and more are being asked to transfer, and the husband...


parachute  v.— «In public service culture, parachuting can involve a public servant of a political persuasion joining a ministerial staff at a higher level with greater income than would have been possible had he or she remained within...

three-D job

three-D job  n.— «Influenced by the economic slowdown and increasing unemployment, even the so-called three-D (dirty, difficult and dangerous) jobs have become hard to get, for the first time in ten years. Three-D job applicants surpassed...

open the kimono

open the kimono  v. phr.— «“I went down to Xerox Development Corporation,” [Steve] Jobs said,…”and I said, ‘Look, I will let you invest a million dollars in Apple if you will sort of open the kimono at Xerox PARC...


GUBU  adj.— «The systemic problems in the Garda management were not confined to its operations in Donegal, Mr McDowell said, reiterating his GUBU-esque description of recent events as: “Frightening, unprecedented, egregious and...