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MP3Jing n. the live mixing or playing of recorded music in a dance club or other public space using a portable digital audio device such as an Apple iPod. Etymological Note: MP3 ‘MPEG audio layer 3, a digital compression format commonly used to...


MP3jing  n.— «MP3Jing is just about extending that accessibility. I co-run a night called noWax at a bar in east London, where people DJ with iPods.» —“Clubs: Last night an MP3J saved my life” by Raj Panjwani The...


MP3Jing  n.— «SHARE-assemblage of portable computers. data exchange , performances , MP3Jing sunday afternoons 5-9.» —“[NET.JAM] audio & video STREAM sundays” by eyescratch Usenet: cz.comp.lang.perl June 15...


MP3Jing  n.— «Welcome to No Wax—the UK’s first MP3Jing evenings, where ordinary punters get the chance to publicly show off the music stored inside their MP3 players.» —“Turning the digital tables” by Julie Clothier in...