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Johnny Jihad

Johnny Jihad  n.— «The year is 2049 and the characters are: Johnny Jihad (years ago he starred in two Web sitcoms based on the 2010 Arab-Israeli war: Hogan’s Hebrews, and Iman Knows Best).» —“Re: Hilarious adventuring...

Johnny Jihad

Johnny Jihad  n.— «He and his cousins learned to ignore the pejoratives of war, words like “hajji,” “camel jockey” and “Johnny Jihad.” They understood that their fellow marines had to dehumanize the enemy in order to carry on...


bleed-out  n.— «A recent study about Iraq’s insurgency by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington estimated that 3,000 foreign fighters had gone to Iraq to join the insurgency. Now, battle-hardened, they form...

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