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Episode 1365

Bump and Grind

Remember a few years ago when Amazon introduced that mysterious device called a Kindle? People worried that electronic readers would replace traditional books. Turns out the death of the hardcover was greatly exaggerated. Also, the expression...

Origin of Jet Black

Why do we say something is jet black? It doesn’t have anything to do with aircraft. The jet in jet black is the name of a black semi-precious stone, which in turn takes its name from the part of Syria where it was found in abundance in...

Jet Black

Why do we say something is jet black? Does it have to do with the color of a 747’s exhaust? Or skid marks on the runway? Or something else entirely? We provide a color with a mineralogical answer. This is part of a complete episode.


arc  v.— «An incoming flight from Chennai (9W-470) requested priority landing at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, when window No 2 on the left side of the cockpit (near the commander’s seat) started cracking— “arcing” in...

Monday jetlag

Monday jetlag  n.— «“It would be normal for a lot of teenagers to stay up late and get up late,” said Dr. Jeffrey Cohen. Dr. Cohen with the sleep lab at St. Bernards said this is what doctors refer to as “Monday jetlag...

jet people

jet people  n.pl.— «Nothing draconian happens to the thousands of white visa overstayers who arrive by plane. Jet people good, boat people bad. What hypocrisy!» —“Let Them Stay” by John Passant Workers...

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