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chi chi man

chi chi man
 n.— «20. T.O.K. – Chi chi man.» —“Playlist DANCEHALL VIBES October 7, 2000″ by Danny Pepperseed Usenet: rec.music.reggae Nov. 26, 2000. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

chi chi man

chi chi man  n.— «Being gay or lesbian—a “chi-chi” man/gyal or a “battyman,”—is the ultimate sin in Jamaica, an island paradise so steeped in religion that it holds the Guinness Book of World Records title of having...

chi chi man

chi chi man  n.— «In Jamaican patois slang, “batty man” and “chi chi man” are the equivalent of “poof” and “faggot.”» —“Concert Cancelled After Complaints Of Homophobia” by...

batty man

batty man  n.— «In Jamaican patois slang, “batty man” and “chi chi man” are the equivalent of “poof” and “faggot.”» —“Concert Cancelled After Complaints Of Homophobia” by...

ras klaat

ras klaat  n.— «“Ras clat” is actually “arse cloth” or “ass cloth,” i.e. early toilet paper. The “clat” in “bumba,” “blood,” or “p*ssy” “clat” is...


TOK  n.— «Originalmente el acrónimo TOK se tomó de la frase “Touch of Klass,” pero años más tarde tomó diferentes significados como “Taking Over Kingston” (Arrasando Kingston), o “To...