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quell  n.— «There are recent reports in the literature describing the intranasal abuse of quetiapine among jail inmates, who may obtain it by reporting malingering psychotic symptoms and who refer to it as “quell...

short booking

short booking  n.— «Officers also have stopped a practice called “short booking,” in which officers charge a person with a crime, schedule a court date, then let the person leave the jail without posting bond with the...


matrixing  n.— «The early jail releases are occurring more frequently because the county doesn’t have enough money to keep everyone accused of a crime behind bars. Instead, the county uses a complex method called matrixing to sort through...


boy  n.— «Under questioning by District Attorney David O’Leary and Peterson, Bier said Gardner believed the powder was cocaine, possibly just from looking at it, but that at the jail he understood it to be heroin based on hearing others...

joke jail

joke jail  n.— «Joke jail—Plebes can be required by upperclassmen to tell jokes; if the jokes are poor, the plebe must hold his fork in front of his face as if speaking through jail bars.» —“A look at the lingo used by the mids;...

fifi bag

fifi bag  n.— «Actually, the instructions for such an organic liason originate witth the invention of the famous “fifi bag,” used since the first horny prisoner in some long ago jail cell discovered that a rubber glove, or...

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