What is a madcap comedy? A fan of classics like Bringing up Baby wonders about the origin of the term. Martha explains that years ago, the word cap sometimes referred to one’s “head.” So if someone’s “madcap,”...
outlaw n.— «Back then, the typical Stockton streetwalker stayed in Stockton, turning tricks to support an IV drug habit. She was, in pimp parlance, “an outlaw,” a freelancer with no pimp.» —“New era for oldest...
Haitian happiness n.— «At breakfast I learned that Chuck was ill. Dr. Paul put him on an IV so that he would not be dehydrated. Diarrhea is called “Haitian Happiness,” but Chuck did not look very happy.» —“The...
levo n.— «Julia and M.J. quickly assembled their weapons for the battle ahead: bags of fluid and lots of IV lines, blood pressure boosters called pressors, and epinephrine—”levo,” in nurse parlance—to counteract shock...
mets n.— «The CT scan showed mets to the lungs and the liver.» —“The gift of small victories; A Stage IV breast cancer patient’s quest for hope and healing” by Tara McParland Florida Times...