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Ferberizing  n.— «Even Dr. Richard Ferber of Children’s Hospital Boston—so strongly linked in the popular imagination with the so-called cry-it-out method that it has come to be known as “Ferberizing”—agreed in an interview that no single...


slagosphere  n.— «In a recent interview about his controversy-baiting wife Ayelet Waldman, novelist Michael Chabon condemned “the slagosphere”—that merciless virtual coliseum in which anyone with a DSL can publicly eviscerate...


petrophobia  n.— «When her son was Anchorage mayor, she gave an interview to the Anchorage Times in which she warned that environmentalism—or “petrophobia,” as she called it—threatened to cripple oil development.» —“Oil...


flamboozle  v.— «Patrick Swayze said in an interview that he (Swayze) was proud of his 5-acre farm in California and was flamboozled (probably not his exact words :-)) when he heard that Gibson had bought 17,000 acres in Montana...

optical molasses

optical molasses  n.— «The fluid dampens its motion; once it starts to move it hits viscosity in the fluid and wants to slow down. It’s exactly the same in optical molasses, only it’s a fluid of photons from the laser that creates the...


lane-flushing  n.— «The first priority is the mission of the department, which is to keep the wrong people and the wrong items out of the country. On that, they can never compromise. Speeding the interview process is strictly taboo, Perry...

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