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Teen Endangerment Act

Teen Endangerment Act  n.— «Late the evening of Sept. 29, senators declined to invoke “cloture”—closing debate and moving to a substantive vote on a measure—on S. 403, the “Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act...


alligator  n.— «Summertime on Interstate 81 can be dangerous. It’s alligator season.…Those “gators” aren’t wayward reptiles searching for a cool mudhole, but trucker lingo for tires or retreads that have flown off trucks...


descanso  n.— «Alongside Interstate 80 in Knowlton Township is something called a descanso, a Spanish word that means a roadside memorial. It is for state Trooper Philip Lamonaco.» —“Tenuous Bond Links Two Memorials” by Rod...