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trowel fodder

trowel fodder  n.— «It will be possible for people who have some excavation experience to come as volunteers. In these cases there will be no formal tuition provided. However, this does not simply mean that they will be used as trowel...


 n.— «Looking at your tumsy perhaps.» —“Re: Persecution” by Derek Usenet: alt.lifestyle.all-faiths Oct. 29, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


playtron  n.— «I love to “people-watch,” be they participants or just playtrons and patrons who show up in bizzare attire.» —“Re: What do you value?” by AuroraeB (Tracy) Usenet: alt.fairs...


playtron  n.— «I know quite a few people, including myself who would love to be playtrons and be your “Front Row CHorus.” The rennie’s are coming, the Rennies are coming!» —“Re: MMario: thanks!” by Bellebet...

finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «Sure we have all had disk problems, but what percentage of these were not associated with writing/deleting/finger-trouble/bad-handling—extremely small!» —“Re: software protection – dongles & other...


fraudband n. low-quality broadband Internet service. Editorial Note: This term is especially common in Australia, although it has been repeatedly recoined throughout the Anglophone world. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)