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dry hole

dry hole  n.— «The Sunday night raid was what soldiers here call a “dry hole.” They received an intelligence tip, and it led to nothing.» —“Soldiers in Sunni Town Run Into Wall of Silence” by Josh White in...


track  n.— «The Marines had no problem taking the enemy head on, but the much-talked about intelligence regarding booby-trapped buildings kept the conversation going inside the “tracks,” or amphibious assault vehicles...


PMD  n.— «America’s greatest intelligence failure in Iraq was not the WMD we thought were there, but weren’t. It was the PMD we thought weren’t there, but were. PMD in my lexicon, stands for “people of mass destruction...

mother-sister syndrome

mother-sister syndrome  n.— «General Miller’s observation matches common wisdom among experienced intelligence officers that women may be effective as interrogators when seen by their subjects as mothers or sisters. Sexual taunting does...

glass ball environment

glass ball environment  n.— «Iraq, in intelligence parlance, was a “glass ball environment,” meaning the weather was often conducive to collecting images from above.» —“Poor Intelligence Misled Troops About Risk of Drawn...


FRAGO  n.— «Targeting meetings should resuit in a fragmentary order (FRAGO) to subordinate units.» —“Keys to S2 success at JRTC” by Wayne Barefoot Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin Jan. 1, 1998. (source:...

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