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tumshie n. a stupid or foolish person. Etymological Note: Originally jocular or colloquial Scots for ‘turnip.’ Common insult tumshie-head and other comparisons of a head to a turnip probably preceded the stand-alone tumshie. (source: Double-Tongued...


tumshie  n.— «No an insult would be if I called you a “richt sasenach Tumshie, wi a heid the’ size o’ ben macduhi.” Then you would have every right to be offended.» —“Re: wh&s run amok” by Connor...


receipt n. In professional wrestling, a payback, score-settling, or revenge taken for true physical injury or insult. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


güey  n.— «For many young adults along the border, “güey” is a simple slang greeting among friends. For others, it’s a crude insult that’s not used in polite company.» —“Coors ad makes many question if...

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