MTBOO n.— «MTBOO…Mean Time Between Other Offers. It is commonly held that MTBOO for software engineers is 9 months.» —“Get that Gazelle Out of My Space!” by Eliot Redmond Innovation Dec., 2005. (source:...
n.— «Crater…A company that received venture capital that went bankrupt. » —“Get that Gazelle Out of My Space!” by Eliot Redmond Innovation Dec., 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
n.— «DTB…Drop the bomb—to resign at the worst possible time.» —“Get that Gazelle Out of My Space!” by Eliot Redmond Innovation Dec., 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
exloding offer n.— «Exploding Offer…A job offer with an expiration date. Often the value of the offer (usually the bonus portion) decreases slowly until that date.» —“Get that Gazelle Out of My Space!” by Eliot...