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pokie  n.— «Last year the GRP released a survey showing substantial community concern with the social impact of gambling and strong support for cutting the number of Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs), more commonly known as poker machines...


solastalgia  n.— «Solastalgia describes the pain experienced when the place a person lives is under assault and destruction, a loss of a sense of belonging to a particular place and a sense of desolation about its disappearance.…He...

socks and knocks

socks and knocks  n.pl.— «Do GHG, socks, knocks and land use have any impact on DSM or SSE at all?…Have you done similar analysis of Gull, or Conawapa, or Notigi, on those particular issues of GHG, socks, knocks and land use, to use...


proxicommunication  n.— «Last year Will Davies, one of the UK’s most important thinkers on the social and societal impact of new technology, coined the phrase “proxicommunication” to describe what happens when e-mail, chat and...

throw down

throw down  n.— «I know I didn’t carry it and I know that nobody that I ever worked with—and I went to the academy in 1980 and hit the streets in 1981. Nobody had a throw-down gun.…if you don’t know the difference between a backup...

digital dust

digital dust  n.— «In a 2003 privacy paper sponsored by ID World Magazine, Mr. Krull first coined the term “digital dust” to describe the thousands of transactions residents of developed countries initiate each month in...