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sandbagging  n.— «“Cars that catch fire,” he says, “will be allowed to continue at the officials’ discretion. Rollovers are okay. Now go out there and make good hits. No love taps, and no sandbagging.” What Todd calls...

baked in

baked in  adj.— «We have not reflected anything in the budget beyond that except for whatever share repurchases come out of the proceeds from the asset sales. That’s sort of baked in, in terms of impact on this year. It is baked into the...

Johari window

Johari window  n.— «To help gauge each risk’s likelihood and potential impact, some companies find it useful to create what’s known as a “Johari window.” You first assess each threat’s probability—from low to high—and assign it...

glory trip

glory trip  n.— «This is where they pull the ICBMs from the United States and do “glory trips,” as they call them, to make sure they are functional, operational. They ship them over to Vandenberg, throw them in a silo, instrument them, put...

chatter bump

chatter bump  n.— «The bump course is used primarily for suspension and structural durability evaluation. It has four test sections consisting of resonance bumps, impact bumps, chatter bumps and inverted chuck holes.» —“TRC Draws the...


emergy  n.— «Nearly two decades ago, the plant owners used an unorthodox metric to assess the facility’s impact on nearby estuaries. Called “emergy,” which is shorthand for “embodied energy,” the metric provides...