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ditch the line

ditch the line  v.— «If the American people were not concerned about people who ditched the line, and jumped in front of people who waited for years, you would have an immigration bill.» —“The O’Reilly Factor: Immigration...

frequent flyer

frequent flyer  n.— «The claimants enter Canada as refugees and leave Canada afterwards to return again as refugees using phoney names, immigration officials said. The multiple claimants have been dubbed “frequent flyers” by...

Brown Out

Brown Out  n.— «The district’s 2,278 Latino students comprise about 10 percent of the student body. Many businesses planned ahead to observed the boycott also known as “Brown Out” and “A Day Without Latinos...

jumbo jet people

jumbo jet people  n.pl.— «Now your biggest concern, despite the headlines, really isn’t boat people is it? It’s jumbo jet people who come here on proper visas and then overstay and claim refugee status?» —“Sunday: Philip Ruddock...

fill the tree

fill the tree  v. phr.— «Republicans wanted to offer as many as 20 amendments to the Senate version, in a procedure called “filling the tree,” which often is used to kill legislation by adding provisions unacceptable to bill’s...

Nueba Yol

Nueba Yol  n.— «Lidia Ramirez sheds light on this little-known illegal immigration through a series of touching and sometimes funny portrayals of Dominicans yearning to escape poverty. Their ultimate destination: the gold-paved streets of...