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pollo  n.— «The typical pollo, or chicken, as the immigrants are called, now pays $1,200 to $2,500 to be guided across the border, driven to Phoenix and shipped to a destination in the United States.…Kidnap 20 pollos, collect a...


zooprophilactic  adj.— «He’s also interested in birds that are what’s called “zooprophilactic.” They may dilute the spread of disease, he said. Doves, pigeons and herons seem to be dead ends for West Nile, he said. Florida has...


beme  n.— «One proponent is Martine Rothblatt, who is a genuine visionary.…Her talk entitled “Of Genes, Bemes and Conscious Things” outlined a future in which human consciousnesses are uploaded into computers. Her...


Amero  n.— «Pastor has also called for the creation of a new currency which he has coined the “Amero,” a currency that is proposed to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican peso.» —“The Plan to Replace the...


spamment  n.— «My Texas Holdem spammer seems to be taking a break. I didn’t get a single spamment during the night, whereas I had been cleaning up over 100 of these every morning for the past few days.» —“Title:...


phoneslaughter  n.— «In Washington state, it’s not illegal to drive while using a cell phone, nor is law enforcement required to track it as a factor in collisions. And if you kill someone while you’re doing it—called...