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Kentucky Contestant on Slang This!

This week’s “Slang This!” contestant, from Cold Spring, Kentucky, tries to tease out the real slang words from the fake ones. Rubber-bands or herkies? An executive handle or a producer’s button? This is part of a complete...

white tail

white tail  n.— «The bigger worry for both Airbus and Boeing are the dreaded “white tails,” jets that come off the assembly line with no waiting buyers because the airline that ordered them has canceled or gone out of business...

rifle shot

rifle shot  n.— «Prodded by advocacy groups on both sides of the issue, members of Congress are considering various narrowly targeted proposals—”rifle shots,” in Washington parlance—to ease or tighten the limits on legal entry...


posthole  v.— «He said people who walk through deep snow without snowshoes, a process he called post-holing, without proper footwear could be setting themselves up for trouble.» —“Conditions tough for start of summer hiking...

Cryptic Clues Puzzle

Quiz Guy John Chaneski tries to stump the hosts with a puzzle called Cryptic Crosswords. How about this one: “Do-re-mi-fa follower + sneaker feature = comfort.” This is part of a complete episode.

Celebrate National Grammar Day

Hey, everybody! This past weekend's show was our tribute to National Grammar Day, which is Tuesday, March 4th. Among other things, we talked about "booby trap," the food dish "turkey Manhattan," "lock, stock, and...