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Sherman  n.— «Among all possible candidates for the Democratic nomination next year, is either Barack or Hillary the best qualified—or the most likely to win the general election? My answer is no. As long as Al Gore declines to take a...


A-she-ville  n.— «In Asheville, that’s a problem. Straight people here proudly refer to the town as the lesbian capital of the South; when they joke about “A-she-ville,” they’re proud.» —“The Anti-Rights...


bug-chaser  n.— «An even smaller, but growing, group are those who call themselves “gift givers” and “bug chasers”—those who actively seek to spread the disease to willing people, and those people who wish to...


gift-giver  n.— «An even smaller, but growing, group are those who call themselves “gift givers” and “bug chasers”—those who actively seek to spread the disease to willing people, and those people who wish to...