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Bada Boom, Bada Bing

A woman from Abilene, Texas, is preparing to make a move to the US northeast, and was amused when a realtor in her new hometown used the phrase “bada boom, bada bing,” a phrase she’d heard only in movies. It’s possible that...

Apartment Complex Names

Why do subdivisions and office complexes have names invoking landscapes and animals that don’t exist there? A Fort Wayne, Indiana, listener got to wondering about this after passing the “Bay View Apartments” in her hometown: there’s not...

beeper ball

beeper ball  n.— «Staying in the vein of special needs, four teams of visually impaired baseball players met Saturday for New York’s first ever blind baseball tournament. Unlike traditional versions of our national pastime, beeper ball (or...

transactional lobbying

transactional lobbying  n.— «Mr. Wilkes had set up separate meetings with the lawmakers hoping to win a government contract, and he planned to punctuate each pitch with a campaign donation. But his hometown congressman, Representative Bill...


India-no-place  n.— «Author Kurt Vonnegut called his hometown Indianapolis a cemetery with lights that came to life once a year for the Indianapolis 500. Frustrated by lack of night life, some residents termed it “India-no-place...