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belly button

belly button  n.— «One is that we have put in place a clear chain of command. There is a single belly button now that is responsible for the status of the I.T. infrastructure in the department—the four-star.» —“U.S. Representative...

lean forward

lean forward  v. phr.— «We took that a step further, and now we have cooperative targeting to begin with, what we call federated targeting. So I think the intelligence community has really leaned forward to help us.» —“U.S. Senate...

lean forward

lean forward  v. phr.— «When we have a problem or a concern, he leans forward to address it but it’s done with integrity and in the scope of honor, one for which you’re proud of.» —“House Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing On FY...

oil spot strategy

oil spot strategy  n.— «Traditionally, there’s a real menu of strategies for dealing with insurgencies and insurrections. The oil spot strategy: clear and hold; enclaves, search and destroy.» —“U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA)...

horse blanket

horse blanket  n.— «There is a facing-page discussion of each in your handouts. There are some other materials that we’ve given you in terms of some articles that have been written lately about this particular division design—a full horse...

run the trap line

run the trap line  v. phr.— «When somebody down in the—in the lower level of the operation—on the operational area wants to affect a change or doesn’t want to go along with the policy, they can run the trap line and go up through the back...