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Hurban  n.— «A decade ago, Boston didn’t have the audience for a single large Spanish-language station much less two. Now whether your style is romantic or the Hispanic urban sound known as Hurban(ph), whether your favorite Iglesias is...


Hurban  n.— «The new sounds, dubbed “Hurban”—a melding of Hispanic and urban—will blend Reggaeton, Spanish hip-hop and dance music.» —“Out with the hard rock, in with the ‘Hurban’” by Tom Jicha Bradenton...


Colorao  n.— «A bonus for those interested in linguistics is a glossary comparing the region’s Spanish to “standard” Spanish. Garcia compares the usage of such words as murre/muy (very), probe/pobre (poor) as well as the many...


probe  n.— «A bonus for those interested in linguistics is a glossary comparing the region’s Spanish to “standard” Spanish. Garcia compares the usage of such words as murre/muy (very), probe/pobre (poor) as well as the many...


murre  n.— «A bonus for those interested in linguistics is a glossary comparing the region’s Spanish to “standard” Spanish. Garcia compares the usage of such words as murre/muy (very), probe/pobre (poor) as well as the many...


Amexica  n.— «Charles Truxillo of the University of New Mexico predicts that by 2080 the southwestern states of the United States and the northern states of Mexico will form La Republica del Norte (The Republic of the North), Various...