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Tide Me Over

A caller has a friendly disagreement with a pal: Is the expression “tide me over” or “tie me over”? Hint: The answer she gets should tide her over. This is part of a complete episode.


black-ccent  n.— «With his light skin, African father and white mother, and only faint hint of what I call a “black-ccent”—the subtle vocal quality that makes most black Americans identifiable as black over the phone (yes, one...

spud juice

spud juice  n.— «Intoxicating liquor, called “spud juice,” was manufactured on a large scale in the prison.» —“Hint Convicts Got Night Off to Kill a Man” by James Doherty in Lansing, Mich. Chicago...


Blunkett  n.— «My best friend has been with her boyfriend for over two years and when she lightly dropped a hint of something more permanent in the New Year, he freaked. She is now back on the singles market. After all that...


boo-ya  n.— «Ok, I almost got the analogy…Here’s a hint for ya’ll: the plastic bag is a jim hat. Buildings is the boo-ya (my roomie’s term for “it”) But I can’t figure out how pink cookies is supposed to look like a...

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