fork hand road n.— «Fork hand road. The hand you use your fork in. A traveler was passing through the piney woods of Clarke County, Alabama, and stopped at a house where a woman was hoeing in the garden to inquire his way to a certain...
pea-likker juice n.— «An extravagant metaphor applied to one who has demonstrated unusual ability or ingenuity. “Buck shore is the pealikker juice when it comes to standing in with the gals.” Confined to the lower South and...
stand in v. phr.— «Stand in. Have favor with. “He’s always trying to stand in with the gals.” General.» —by Harry Harrison Kroll in George Peabody College for Teachers A Comparative Study of Upper and Lower...
soup bunch n.— «Soup bunch. Bundle of vegetables.» —by Harry Harrison Kroll A Comparative Study of Upper and Lower Southern Folk Speech (George Peabody College for Teachers, Tenn.) Aug., 1925. (source: Double-Tongued...
tom-walkers— «Tom-walkers. Stilts. “We been walking on Tom-walkers to-day.”» —by Harry Harrison Kroll A Comparitive Study of Upper and Lower Southern Folk Speech (George Peabody College for Teachers, Tenn...
whicker bill n.— «Whicker bill. A rustic, servant, poor white trash. Miss.» —by Harry Harrison Kroll A Comparative Study of Upper and Lower Southern Folk Speech (George Peabody College for Teachers, Tenn.) Aug., 1925...