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Gulfie  n.— «The war broke out at the peak of the tourist season, when tens of thousands of wealthy visitors from the Gulf were expected to enjoy high-spending holidays in Lebanon. Instead, those in the country at the time found themselves...


jackup  n.— «The company operates primarily in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Gue points out that in the shallow Gulf waters, the most common type of drilling rig is what’s known as a jackup. These, he notes, consist of a...

string of pearls

string of pearls  n.— «The second event has been much quieter but has more ominous implications, Beijing’s steady expansion of its “string of pearls” strategy. A new phrase coined by geo-strategists’ for Chinese...

leaky levee

leaky levee  n.— «The design would include so-called “leaky levees,” an idea that features culverts at strategic locations, allowing Gulf of Mexico tides to move in and out of the northern reaches of the estuaries, maintaining...


walkshed  n.— «A key piece of regional and community livability is walkable access to parks and schoolyards. The walksheds shown here illustrate varying levels of access across the region and within communities (Gulfport is shown using...

weather war

weather war  n.— «In the States, they have a name for the media’s increasingly demented obsession with meteorological phenomena: “weather wars.” Anyone who has watched a US reporter narrowly avoid being blown off a rain...

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