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lung-opener  n.— «Oxford reached a rating of 45 in a 25-stroke lung-opener to the scratch’s 42 and continued to pull out leads in their subsequent work.» —“Rowing: Lightly Forceful” by Christopher Dodd Guardian (U...

eau clair

eau clair  n.— «Voeckler rhymes with eau clair, the slang for riding without drugs, and the yellow jersey holder has made no bones about his opposition to doping.» —“Virenque is big cheese of mountains” by William...


catastroika  n.— «Catastroika. A mixture of catastrophe and perestroika, it is used by Alexander Sinoviev in the title of a satirical novel he wrote in 1989.» —“Europe: Light at the Opera—Gazetta” by Desmond...


katastroika  n.— «In the first phase of Mr Gorbachev’s rule, some Russians thought that glasnost was just a trick to get the reformers to stick their heads above the parapet and identify themselves. “Perestrelka,” said the...

Jorge Arbusto

Jorge Arbusto  n.— «Of course it also means Brazil ends up with George Bush. But then Jorge Arbusto, as he would be known, might quite enjoy life up the rugged Amazon.» —“American presidents all mixed up” by Richard...

care leaver

care leaver  n.— «The list of young people, like care leavers and abuse victims, who can claim benefit because they live away from home is being extended to include young people who are—in the words of the DSS—”genuinely estranged...