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187  n.— «They use graffiti to mark territory but also to send messages. In some cases, threats are made as when the number “187,” a gang’s name and an individual’s name appear. “That is a call to kill the person,”...


king  v.— «Ive met hiphop heads in graff, ive met dirtty hippies heads in graff, that could probabbly king all of us, graff isnt a culture by itself, its a big melting pot full of every culture.» —“Re: Tyke+Kaws= Kawn” by...


king v. among graffiti artists, to (pervasively) paint one’s name or symbol (throughout an area); to own an area through tagging or bombing. Etymological Note: The verb probably derives from the noun king ‘chief or principal person; the best or top...


king  v.— «There is ALOT of crap also…and people who think that just tagging constitutes being king.» —“Re: World Famous Wake Up Show” by MYoungWISC Usenet: alt.graffiti Feb. 28, 1999. (source: Double...


king  v.— «Crew names are usually three letters, many times ending with “K,” which stands for “kings” or “kills” in most cases. Some crew names are just two letters, some are four, it all depends...


king  v.— «As far as tightest bay area taggers go i’ve gotta say Kose and Ceav are the best…most up anyhow…definatley kose…he’s the king of the bay, has been since like 93, and before that he was kinging shit with his...