crowd out n.— «Throwing a wrench in Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s plan are new Bush guidelines that require children be without private insurance for at least a year before being provided SCHIP coverage. The regulations are aimed largely at...
conso-loan n.— «All members of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) may now avail of the new GSIS loan procedure known as consolidated salary loan otherwise known as conso-loan.» —“Gov’t personnel now enjoy GSIS conso...
prebate n.— «The state has sent 53 property tax refund checks—known in the parlance of education finance as “prebate checks”—of more than $10,000.» —“Gov. offers property tax plan; speaker says it lacks...
man-dress n.— «You can put a guy in a “man-dress”—that’s what the soldiers call it—have him grow a beard and get a tan…but unless he can make these certain Arab sounds, he’s a dead giveaway...